Investment Properties

How Do You Start Buying Notes In Florida?

Are you thinking about investing in notes? If so then keep reading because this blog post is all about answering the question, “How do you start buying notes in Florida?” Many people first come to real estate investing by investing in properties – structures and houses on land. Then, as they learn more about investing, … Continued

What Are The Risks of Note Buying in Florida?

If you’re thinking about buying notes, you probably arrived on this article because you are doing your due diligence and you want to know what are the risks of note buying in Florida to help you determine whether or not to invest in them. That’s a smart decision to perform due diligence before doing ANY … Continued

4 Advantages of Real Estate Notes in Florida

If you’re thinking about buying real estate notes, you’ll love the many benefits they provide. It’s no wonder that more and more real estate investors are jumping on board to buy notes! In this article, you’ll read about the 4 advantages of real estate notes in Florida… In the world of real estate investing, there … Continued